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A license is required for all public performances regardless of whether admission is charged or not. You cannot require an admission charge, but if you need to ticket the event for seating capacity purposes, you may create a ‘suggested donation’ ticket. See other ways to cover costs or generate revenue under “Ways to use a Movie Night to raise funds for ministry:

You may use clips from the film during your church service in the context of teaching or a sermon (including if you stream your service). However, if you wish to use them on your website or in social media, they should only be in conjunction with the promotion of your​ ​Movie Event or a church service connected to the story. The clips should be no longer than a full scene or 2-3 minutes…

The license type is based on the church's AVERAGE WEEKEND ATTENDANCE. A movie license is valid for 12 months after purchase and can be used to show the licensed movie multiple times.

Any showing outside of a private home requires that a license must be obtained regardless of the number of people attending the event. Movie license pricing is based on average weekly church attendance, not the event attendance.If your showing is not connected to a church, the standard license is required, regardless of the size of the expected audience.

Any organization’s public exhibition of a film without proper licensing is subject to steep and significant penalties through The Copyright Act (as much as $150,000 per exhibition). Even inadvertent infringers are subject to the Copyright Act. If your organization has unknowingly shown Beautifully Broken while not in copyright compliance, contact us directly to solve the matter 844-422-8259 to purchase a retroactive license.

Your organization must reside in the USA or Canada or their territories, and your showing can happen only here.